Friday...heading out for the "see if anything falls off ride". Hudson has a question about my use of spacers. Don't worry about it little buddy, I know what I'm doing. Scottyd your more of a gambler than I, I have to do the shakedown ride the day before.

HWY 2 to Bennet, cars & trucks blowing by me at 65+, at least there's a shoulder. South on 43, cars blowing by me 50, shoulder, bummer. Its been a while since I've been on the road, how about giving me a little more (insert profanity here) space! Roca Rd...aaaaah, lightly traveled byway, nice rollers & a tailwind. See this isn't so bad. Through Roca & the trail was calling me, jumped on to get some dirt on the tires.

Oh yeah...buh-ling!! RXL road as well. I've generally got pretty sturdy knees so I'm testing them out with 2 new pairs of shoes, hopefully accurate cleat positioning, & a new bike. Wish me luck.

mixed message...don't worry it was .89

I've strayed. Today, yesterday...whatever. Rolled out at 8:00 am headed for D St., made it 4 blocks & put on my rain coat. Showed up partially wet & an hour early, I missed the memo about 9:00 am start. DK & I chilled, all good. FOB, C-bread, DK & myself rolled out at 9:20. Gravel was sloppy & slow. Slogged around for a 2.5 hours, 36 miles when I rolled up my drive. Tired legs for such a short jaunt.
I've got about 2 hours until round 2, tractor test track crit @ 3:30. I am so far from crit fast right now its not funny. Ask me to grind out a fast 60, 70, 80, 100+ gravel problem. Fast twitch, what's that? I showed up, I'll leave it at that. I stayed with the group & killed myself closing gaps at the rear of the field. I'm actually somewhat encouraged that I didn't detonate immediately. The test track was billed as 1/2 mile oval? Hmmm...I'd say the straights were approx. 100 yards & the ends were real short. I'm leaning towards 1/3 mile, but what do I know. Slightly banked made the outside/in line preferred. UNL Cycling crew did a good job pulling this all off.
A few odd things happened at the race, a couple firsts & a scenario I've been a part of before. A first...a rider is DQ'd for swearing, a second first...a rider snaps a chain & borrows a bike, takes a free lap & gets back in the race & finally (I've seen this one before) there's confusion with 2 to go & we ended up doing an extra lap. A lot going the buzz kill of a
team mate hitting the deck.
What the hell am I doing up at almost 11:00 pm? I had to get my TT bike down from the rafters in the garage so I can do my first TTT with JT & Coach tomorrow morn, something different for sure. I mentioned to Coach it should be a good time as long as we don't crash each other out.