Thursday, February 26, 2009

kick a$# wednesday...

60 degrees, 3.5 hours, 54 miles. JT & MT also skipped out & joined me for parts of the journey, good time.

Today's forecast 47, rain, sleet, snow, thunder. What the hell, I guess Spring is coming. Hey Corey...I know you've got the day off, I hope you find the open window of opportunity!

BTW - I could here the gravel under my tires instead of the crunching of my BB disintegrating like Sunday.




ScottyD said...

AARRGHH!!!!! 65 deg here & I was stuck @ F'ing work! Crap on a stick!

Cornbread said...

Good to hear you guys got out for a bit. I got a couple of decent rides in on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Yep, got the day off, but got body maintenance planned (optometrist, dentist, maybe massage). Plus, I need a day off.

How about a longer ride on Saturday? 80?

t-nuts said...

Scott - I'm killing you with these ride reports! Your day(s) will come...

C-bread - I'm up for anything!

60+ yesterday, 25 w/ the wind blowing good now...

ScottyD said...

I'm using the ride reports for fuel for the fire. Now that I wear lace panties I need tails of truly hard men to motivate my that sounded very gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.