I'm lost. No lie, depression has set in. Now what? I'm being ripped apart by what I'm supposed to be doing & what I'd rather be doing. I guess I'm supposed to be hopping on the road bike, racing crits, & meeting up for group road rides. What I want to do is hop on my CX bike & explore back roads.
I remember a March 1st, 2008 ride with Coach & Cornbread...C-bread was talking to us about Dirty Kanza. I distinctly remember thinking an event of that length was basically stupidity. Fast forward to January of '09, I see a post from C-bread saying DK registration is open. I didn't even hesitate & signed up. I'm so glad I did. The Flint Hills are simply...fantastic (to pick one of a hundred adjectives).
I'll be ready for CX in a few months but right now I'm struggling with my path.
I may or may not be in Norfolk this weekend, I don't know. I'm mentally unprepared.
Warning: this may not be my last DK post, or maybe it will be. I need to move on some how.
Below: this is the only picture I took out on course. Somewhere around mile 170-175 on Gun Barrel Road. It was 6:52 pm, I was by myself, surrounded by nothing, with around 30 miles to the finish. The scenery was mind-blowing. That smile is for real, I was in awe of my surroundings & barring any disaster I was going to finish this event!

It is a hobby, Troy. You should do what sounds fun. If that's gravel, get out there a map the routes sans dogs, I'd appreciate that. That's why I don't do it. Those farm dogs scare the bejesus out of me when they come runnin'.
Syd...the farms dogs need a good kick to remind them to stay out of the road. Did I say that? ASPCA will be after me...
Troy...Yep, post epic event depression. I think we're on to something here.
Take a bit of time and relax it will all come back to you very quickly.
yes, take time off, or just go and do the ride the bike wants to and not the HR/wattage routine your training is telling you to do. I've more-or-less taken the year off. Went beyond full-gas and did every race for over 4 years and just need to NOT do that a 5th year.
regroup, rethink...
I'll be back.
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