I don't decide the distance...I just show up & ride. Brought the Jetta out of semi-retirement for the trip up to Yutan. Bad front brakes & no left turn signal, no problem.
Good turnout, even some KS folk rolled into town. How'd it go? Pretty good actually, truth be told...this whole week on the bike has gone pretty good. Tuesday night crit jam was the best group & flow we've ever had, survived a fairly tame WNW, & didn't fall apart at the TT. Ok, my form was pretty shabby the last 5-6 miles.

I need to cook up an adventure for myself for next Sunday.
Hey man,
Thanks for posting the link for our race. I know it would be a stretch for you guys to drive that far for a XC race, but...if you've got nothing better going on that weekend. Good shot at some $$. Anyways, hope the DK hangover is subsiding. Keep on rockin' it on the bike and everything will be A-Okay.
I love David Bowie. I would have married David Bowie. Don't tell velo-dude.
@mathgeek...mums the word:)
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