Monday is always my day off, I was exhausted from the weekend. Tuesday I usually do a light workout, still exhausted. Rode the trainer for 30 minutes. Was I getting sick? Wednesday is my hard day, still tired. Decided to just chill on the trainer again, 30 minutes. Today...finally feeling recovered, so maybe I wasn't sick just spent from last weekend.
Headed over to one of the top secret training grounds for some hard efforts. Plan was to do 4 laps, recover, then 4 more laps, cool down. First set shaved 39 seconds off my previous PR. OK...I'm recovered from the weekend. I packed up, skipped the 2nd set & slow-rolled over to another top secret training ground. I don't like to abandon a workout but I'm racing in 2 days so why push my luck if I'm going that good. I opted for one hot lap at the 2nd location & called it good. Besides this is what I had waiting for me. Tofu goodness!

Oh yeah...we invited a few dogs over for the festivities. Shilo, Hudson, Scout, Abe, & Ellie. 2 yellow labs, a black lab, a jack russell, & Hudson...the dachsund/yorkie mix. Hope everyone is having a good day. Later, TK