Pretty good & OK that's my weekend. Saturday was pretty good. Rode hard, consistent, not a whole lot of mistakes. Actually had a good start, finally. Ended up 7th & was happy. Interesting course. First of all it was at night, under the lights. Second, it was mostly on a dirt oval race track & its infield. Kind of hard to imagine unless you were there but it ended up being a lot of fun. I guess CX can be a good time if you feel like you're going good.
"Ok", that was Sunday. Ok start, not great. First lap I noticed my cassette was skipping a bit? Should have pitted right away & switched bikes, didn't. Didn't matter anyway. I ended bobbling a gravel corner & then full on crash a bit later in another gravel corner. Both incidents were not cassette related, but now my rear shifter is jammed w/ grass & its still shifting like crap. Craigio's working the pit, I come in "hot"(sorry man), ghost ride my bike at him, it pile drives into the ground right before him, & I manage an ungraceful remount on my pit bike. Not pretty but it worked, I didn't lose any spots. So I spend the next 7 laps chasing Wilkins, I can't catch him. Lap after lap he's hovering about 15 seconds (guessing) in front of me. Nice ride man! The whole time I'm holding off a KCCX rider about the same gap behind me. 11th, just "ok". Compared to how I felt mentally after the first race 2 weeks ago, I'm feeling/racing better. Its still really early.
Credit where credit is due:
Wilkins, tough.
Woodman, awesome ride. Ended up 6th, in front of a bunch of tough riders.
Tom, both days tough as nails! I love it, you're going great! 4th on Saturday, 3rd on Sunday!
Traveled ( 2 cars) w/ Craig, Ryan, & Matt T. Good crew, had a lot of fun.
Thanks Nancy for putting us up, the oatmeal bars, pasta, & everything else.
I said a couple weeks ago something's gotta give w/ this busy CX schedule. Next weekend is going to be Sunday only. Sorry Jeff if you're reading this. I've got to get some stuff done around here. Des Moines for 2 days the following weekend & then Boulder the weekend after that.