Last Thursday (pre-Almanzo) I ran into A-ron on the Jamaica , we hooked up & did "my" Yankee Hill loop. Had this picture in the vault & just wanted to share...

Fast forward to last night's WNG. Kiddooo paying the price a 1/4 mile of white rock can demand...pinchie. A-ron, the dark knight (not pictured), & myself discuss life, love, & tires.
C-bread gives Kiddooo the assist. Kind of a new route for me, Bennet Rd. to the East, 176th South to Hickman Rd., Hickman & eventually back in on the Jamaica...
A-ron's 12-hour momento...
Unrelated...I re-upped at my
local beanery yesterday. 20lbs of green, 4 varieties. FTO offerings from Bolivia, Ethiopia, Columbia, & Sulawesi. I sampled a cup of the Ethiopian Sidamo & it had an unbelievable fragrance of red wine. Hopefully I can achieve that characteristic in my home roasting lab...
SATURDAY - GO BIG! Meet spot yet to be determined but were going to roll out by 6:00am. Wind is looking straight South & pretty strong blowing in temps in the upper 80's. I'm thinking KS & back??? Only bummer for me is I have a curfew back in Lincoln so I can only ride for 10 hours:)
i am up for that.
Pitting edema!
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