My very first picture of the capitol. Riding home last evening from downtown I had to pause & get out the camera. Pretty nice out & it hit me how amazing this building is. It's got its nicknames (I won't go into that) but it really is an awesome structure...

D St. ride was scheduled for 8am but the plan had been modified to attend the Bryan Backhaus Shelter dedication @ 9:00 on the Jamaica Trail near Saltillo Rd. I didn't know him but knew of him and by the amount of people that were in attendance it was obvious he was well liked & is missed...

When we rolled up at the gathering Bryan's father immediately approached us & thanked us for being there, explaining that cycling was a huge part of Bryan's life...

The good folks at TMCO designed & manufactured this sweet bike rack in his honor...

Impromptu bike parking...

West Pioneers regroup, outnumbered by the rasta brigade (rasta
C-bread not pictured)...

A stop in Malcolm & then a nasty push to Valpo into the wind. In true gravel fashion C-bread & I punished each other all the way there through the alps of NW 40th. Let me rephrase that...C-bread punished me through the alps, had to dig deep to stay with him. Suh-weetness! Man that hurt.
PCL kit in full effect...

The Valpo crew. Scott B. & A-ron joining the fun. We think the clerk at Tvrdy's was drunk...

A-ron with the
XXC kit. If you can't read the butt panel it says "sometimes fun hurts pretty f*cking bad"...

Then he blows a chain, too much power dude. He went all
MacGruber on it & was rolling in no time...

Rolling down NW 70th a group of horses jogged up to the fence line to greet us. I could tell by there demeanor they wanted some attention, so we got off the bikes to pass some time with these gentle giants. Horses are beautiful animals, they look you right in the eye with a quiet intelligence. Like so many things winning the lottery will afford me, someday I would love to have a horse. Hell, a whole barnyard of animals. They let us approach them to pat their heads & scratch their massive jaw bones. This one allowed me to softly knock on his skull between his eyes to get an idea how solid he was. Yep, pretty damn solid. Beautiful animals...

This one acted like the leader, he was the biggest & the others followed his movements. He also allowed us to approach & pat his forehead...

Thanks guys...

So how good was today's ride? Having trouble walking, it was that good. Plan for tomorrow...more of the same.
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