A frosty roll out at 7:00am. By the time we hit West B.O. & NW 27th we started to see some signs that it was both cold & there was a good deal of moisture in the air. No names today to go with the pictures, you'll have to just guess...



this ones a little easier...

We rolled up to Valpo, paused to visit with a few friendly locals who have seen us up there as of late & then rolled on to Ceresco & back in. Gravel was good! Hills just kept coming! 6+ hours out & about today. On the way out of Ceresco I paused to visit with these silent souls. Donkey's?

USA hockey...you played your asses off, well done! Olympics in HD has been killer. Nordic ski coverage has been plentiful & the action has not disappointed. I didn't realize until this year how much network coverage of the Olympics is as much about the human interest stories as it is about the actual action! If I never have to hear Lyndsey Vonn's name or the story about her shin again I'd be cool with that. With the games winding down this evening it's going to leave a void in my daily routine, kind of like when the TdF wraps up after 3 weeks of coverage & your left wondering...now what?
Sticking with the sauce title I'll give it a try...
#1 No doubt a smooth sauce (MT)
#2 Wing Sauce. Everyone likes wing sauce and can really get hot if it wants too!! (JB)
#3 Wasabi baby!!! This stuff hit's ya right in the face but hey It's just like wing sauce everyone likes it! (CB)or(CG) What ever you prefer.
#4 Ketchup. Pretty easy here. Goes on everything and never has enough left in the bottle to make it around the table. (AG)
March 1, 2010 6:00 PM
AG...that's funny, made me laugh:)
Aaron, that is goood stuff. funny
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