Let me start at the end. This was my reward for what was either an historic journey or foolish. I haven't decided yet. When we rolled back in to town we hit up
Rocket Fizz, this little gem caught my eye. Little is no joke, an 8 oz. shooter I'll call it. What is it?
original Dr.Pepper made with Imperial Cane Sugar. As the story goes...this Dublin, TX bottler wouldn't sell out & still produces Dr. Pepper using the original recipe which includes cane sugar. Distinctly different, way better then its high fructose corporate cousin. I will purchase again. Perfect compliment to a hot bowl of my wife's jalapeno pumpkin soup. Made me forget about my sore wrist for a while, I'll get to that later.

An eclectic bunch departed D St. this a.m. Some of the usuals & a few unusuals. The more the merrier, and as I said yesterday...it's cool seeing new faces. Below: at this point we're about 10 miles to the north & west of Cortland. Gravel was sketchy. Fresh snow on top of barely frozen soggy-ness from yesterday's snow & warm up. We are stopped here after riding for over an hour into a SE wind with heavy wet snow pelting us in the face. I had already hit the deck about 45 minutes earlier but survived unscathed, this time.

here's what got me there, this may have been one of those days I could have used fat tires...

Cortland - "deer in the headlights" or "1000 yd. stare" you pick...

band of gypsys...
m-dub bein' all 21st century, JT in the background doing the same...

part of the fleet, 2-3 more rides off camera to the right...

Ok...the sore wrist. We roll out of Cortland & head North on 25th. Gravel is not getting any better. Melting snow pack on the gravel is just soft enough that it grabs at your front wheel at random moments as it gives way under your weight. Your constantly correcting as you try to keep things upright.
Cornbread & I get in a rhythm & start cranking out the miles, it was all good until I found a rogue icy rut. Cue the slow motion as I shoot straight left heading for Cornbread's rear wheel. He punches it (as best he could) & I just miss taking him out with me. Naturally I did the smart thing or should I say I did what comes naturally, I put my hand out to break my fall. Bad idea. I usually pop up from winter mishaps, not this time. Shooting pain as I rolled onto my side not wanting to get up for a bit. Ouch...that hurt. Spent a couple minutes getting myself back together & off we went. Still about 10 miles South of Lincoln, gotta keep going. Couldn't grip my right shifter for the next few miles which made the conditions even more annoying. Some feeling did come back & as long as I stayed on the hoods I was ok. Its been a while since I've hit that hard. Dr. C-bread & I decided hyperextended tendons
I'm fine. Endurox, naproxin, Dublin Dr. Pepper, home-made soup, & a french pressed Sidamo...I'll survive. Sore but I'm good.
Historic or foolish? I'm going with historic. 53 miles of sloppy, wet, snow-packed gravel in a heavy wet snow...it was sweet! I'm shelled:)
Ran into
Coach on the path once we hit town...

the beaver tail...

Bummer. Sorry i missed out.
Glad your alright, dude. Was really worried when you first hit the deck.
Oh, I think the ride was foolishly awesome.
I can empathize with you, went down several times this morning. Have you ever had cheerwine? its NC soft drink that has always used cane sugar. Its the bomb!
@butch - we missed ya
@c-bread - thanks, swollen but not worse
@joshua - love cheerwine, I would see it every once in a while last year or the year before. I either quit noticing or they don't stock it as much. damn good.
Careful how loud you say Beaver tail ;)
Historic journey. Not many times you get 50+ in a snowstorm.
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