It went pretty good. Objective: have a good time...accomplished.
Coach, myself, & the Lincoln Industries Juniors (Coach's kids) made our way down to KC Saturday afternoon for a couple days of crits. Lodging was provided by super-host TP with JT & son already in the house (he raced Friday as well). Thanks TP!
Arrived at the venue with just under an hour before my Cat 3 race, registered, kitted up & proceeded to warm up. Warming up was no problem with the heat & high humidity, I was ready to go in about 10 minutes. It being just a few weeks since my departure from my foray into long distance gravel riding I've been trying to get some speed back. The pace of the race challenged a few times but was basically manageable. Final results weren't anything to brag about but I was right in it to the finish. Mission accomplished, a good time was had. Below: Coach & my non-matching Gary Fisher Arc Pro's (he rocking the trip-x fork to my race lite). These bikes continue to impress, I'm super-satisfied with the ride & still lovin' the graphics.

Had the chance to see some of my favorite folks I haven't seen since the Fall. The Wallace's, Edwards', & countless faces in the regional race seen. The KC vibe is awesome, great people. I'm hoping to make Lawerence this weekend but a number of things need to line up for that to happen, right now its 70-30 I'm going. The seventy is the "not going" side, insert frown here.
When in MO... What's up with these names? I spent half my time at the fireworks store laughing at the goofy names.
Reality check, back to work tomorrow. A week from hell is forecast, wish me luck.
