Saturday, March 28, 2009

lucky, I guess...

Fargo praying the levee holds, KS getting a ton of snow, & the SE getting inches of rain with tornadoes (sp?). Us...air temps in the 20's with 20-30 mph winds straight out of the North. Our plan, ride right into the teeth of it to BO & check out the expanded Area 7 Trails. My cheeks & jaw were hurting, my eyeballs were stinging, & my forehead was aching...we hadn't even left town yet! I flatted in Roper park on the way out of town & then MA flatted twice & we were only to Kawasaki at this point. Below: myself & pool n' spa hiding from the wind at Hwy 34 & NW 27th while MA changes his second flat. From this point on we would be out on open gravel, completely exposed to the wind & cold. Lucky were riding, right?
Unsure what this misfire was...

We did make it out to BO. Our group got separated along the way. It ended up being myself, MT, MA, & Wes (don't know him real well, makes D st. every once in awhile). Met up with Craigio & Mr. Hansen who had driven out to do some more trail work. C-bread, pool n' spa, & FOB were somewhere between Raymond, Area 1, & us at Area 7. We did one lap of the circuit, discussed our plan & voted to start the cold journey home. Sure we were going to have a tail wind heading South, but cross-head all the way back to Lincoln. Yep, it was tough...made tougher because MT was setting a blistering tempo. Below: pit stop in Malcolm on the way home, home of the Clippers.
I'm guessing the other crew never made Area 7? I traded phone calls with C-bread & last I heard they lost FOB in Area 1. As our group approached Lincoln we thought we might have seen him over by Hawks Field? Not sure.

4 hours, just under 60. I'm a wreck. Lucky?....hell yeah, it was sweet!

More of the same tomorrow.




TP said...

You are killing me! All the races down here got cancelled and then heavy cold rain this morning kept me from riding. Then it started to snow and it just stopped a few minutes ago. I shoveled the driveway a bit a go and the snow is so heavy and wet that I bent the handle on the snowshovel. tomorrow conditions won't be much better, what a bummer!

Have fun tomorrow, wish I was there!


Cornbread said...

The wind was a bit better today. Saturday was brutal!

Great riding with ya this weekend.

t-nuts said...

tp - I felt for you guys as I watched the weather develop down there. As cold as it was up here on Saturday, I said to MT, "at least we're riding...outside."

Cornbread - as always, a pleasure.
