Slowly coming around, my mental state that is...
The story continues...I forgot to mention that after I dropped off the pace letting Tim & Charlie forge on, I was passed shortly thereafter by a runaway freight train consisting of Dennis Grelk, John Gorilla, & Sean Mailen. John calmly stated "hi troy" as the locomotive thundered by. These three were on a mission to get Tim & Charlie back under control.
During my time alone, I came upon the B Rd. that we had been warned about at the pre-race meeting. These pictures don't really illustrate how g-narly this track really was. A 20 minute sketchy hike up & over this rutted out monster.
I made it to Traer where I found Dennis at the convenience store getting his self back together. The pace the lead group was setting forced him to take a step back & regroup for the long haul. He said he would wait for me to grab something inside & we could head out together. This was the best news I had heard all day. Just what I needed, a veteran racer to team up with & guide me through the night! As we departed, the group behind rolled in to Traer. This was the last time we saw them. Dennis was hammering & I was right behind him. We hit the 2nd checkpoint (mile 177) at around 7:30 pm.
Fast forward...1:00 am - Belle Plaine, IA. Dennis & I roll out of town & there in front of us coming our way are 2 riders, it's Tim & Charlie! Now we are 4 & only 2 riders up the road, Gorilla & Mailen. Lets go...
So how was I feeling? Riding through the night for the first time in my life? Good for now, but it's always darkest before the dawn (or something like that). Rough times alert.
Hey! Downtown guy, Thanks for being there my friend, BYH.
More coming.
In all the Adventure Races I did the 4:30-5:30 am night riding was the hardest. Once past that I always got a second wind.
Great job man! Enjoying the write up of an adventure I'd never try.
BRAVO TROY...We are now a band of brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
It was so great to ride w/you...
Thanks Scott!
Charlie, an amazing adventure. Historic. See you in Spring Valley. I'll bring your mittens:)
TK, I was stoked to be there and even more stoked that you didn't need my help.
BYH for an amazing feat of cycling!
downtown guy
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