USGP Sun Prairie, WI. Raced 45+, 4th Saturday & 2nd Sunday. Beating myself up this morning...should of been in the top 3 Saturday & I should have won yesterday, oh well...Below:
Sprecher on tap, large please...

Base camp day 1. Arrived early to get setup & pre-ride before the 8:30 races...

Post race unwind...

Partner in crime, Wood-man. Dude quietly rocked 4th place both days in the 2/3's from the back of the grid, oh yeah...

weapons of choice...

roving keg...

never a shortage of stuff for a vegetarian to eat up there, vegan southwest black bean the race!

elite women's front row...

Katie & Katerina...

Georgia & ?...

Katerina?, who knows...


conditions were perfect...

wow! actually caught something with the camera phone, Katie crushing...

barry & ryan's giant pit bikes...



no comment...

its all about the plaque, missed out on one saturday but brought home the hardware on sunday...

local racing this weekend, see ya up in
Congrats! Looking forward to hearing about it.
Awesome results! If you get a chance, post the pix and anything else you want to say on cx nebraska.
It was good to meet you and Nate. Way to bring it home on Sunday. Hopefully I'll see you at T.I.
hey travis! I'm glad you introduced yourself, it was cool meeting you.
I was blown away how awesome Wisco is, beautiful up there.
See ya in the Spring, I hope...
Way to go fellas!
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