Rough week. Our smaller dog has been sick since mid-day Tuesday. Until last night when he ate a tablespoon of hamburger & rice he hadn't eaten since Tuesday morning. Two trips to the vet, constant throwing up, & very little sleep made it a stressful week to say the least. Sobering words from the vet last night, "if he doesn't stop throwing up we'll have to hospitalize him". Well, it didn't come to that...last night he didn't throw up his pills & he ate the before mentioned table-spoon of hamburger & rice. With my wife having to work today, I'm pulling nursing duties. Administering pills & small amounts of food while making sure none of it is coming back up. So far so good, he appears to be on the mend:) I couldn't be happier to not be racing.

Sorry to hear about Hudson, glad he's starting to get better. Don't worry about missing the first weekend of cross, I'm going to miss the first 2. Like you my B bike is in pieces in the garage. oh's a long season.
hey tp...he's definitely getting better, back to his old loud self.
I did get my other bike finished though during my forced day home.
your right is a long season...
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