Tuesday, August 18, 2009

a dump...

not the only Jetta with issues...
big bumble bee in there somewhere...
Coach & I got out for a 50 mile BO loop Sunday afternoon, very nice...
tucked in behind Butch on the way to the bank yesterday afternoon...
garden is winding down, but still producing...
good news...new phones on the horizon at work, better camera I hope...

Have a good week:)




Coach said...

Thanks for the ride TK. Too bad the Lincoln Parks and Rec poster of Butch riding isn't more indicative of the off road riding prospects in town.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for a trail ripping photo shoot, but carrying my bike down a hill seemed to be the flavor of the afternoon.

To me it still captures that A. there are trails in town and B. that you can ride a bike on them.

What more can you really ask for from a ad on the back of a bus?