Friday, December 16, 2011

5 hunge...

A survivor.  Not sure what it is or how it happened but this stuffed animal has been in the mix for 2 years, maybe more.  It's eyes were ripped off on day one like everything introduced into the mix but for some unknown reason it hasn't been torn to shreds & emptied of its stuffing.  It still sees action, getting routinely pulled from the box of toys but never dismembered? 

Day one for this guy...the eyes went straight away then it looks like an ear.  Stuffing was strewn from the kitchen into the living room.  Must have been quite a battle.  I was thinking about setting up some kind of critter cam to see what goes on when were not home, then again...maybe I don't want to know.
oh yeah...this is the 500th post on this damn thing.  I'm glad it could be a such a pithy commentary.  Real "water cooler" material.  Raise your glass, coffee mug, or whatever. Here's to 500 more posts about virtually nothing.  Thanks for tuning in. I can't promise 500 more glances at the trivial & mundane but I'll give it a shot...or not.



1 comment:

Cornbread said...

Cheers, buddy! Keep 'em coming.