Well I guess postponed might be a better word, or delayed.
Madison, WI will be the future home of the 2012/2013 CX Nats. So Nationals are moving to January to get lined up for Masters World's coming to Louisville in 2012 & ultimately Worlds/Worlds in 2013. I got one thing to say...Louisville you'll need to figure out the parking scene. Other than that the people, venue, & city of Louisville are pretty sweet.

I'm happy Nationals are returning to the Midwest, having the option to drive is nice. Am I happy about the move to January? On the surface...no, I'm not. Extending the season another month doesn't sit well with me. Another month of training, with possibly a chunk of it indoors due to potential crappy conditions here in the Midwest. Folks from the West Coast, South, & Southeast are saying "bring it on!". Can I pull it off, of course I can. What's the reward? Freakin' Master's Worlds in the U.S.!!!! That's all.
They're saying a resounding number of people participated in a survey & stated that moving Nationals to January is a good idea. I must have have missed that survey or if I participated I can't remember. I'd be curious to see the demographics regarding those who were in favor of the move. Geography, category, whatever...
It might sound like I'm not for the move, I guess I'm not, but the move makes sense because staying motivated from the 2nd week in December (old Nationals time slot) to mid-January would be a really tall order without the change.
In the mean time...I'm going to enjoy the most awesome Fall we had since I don't know when. Unbelievable.

For those of us heading to Fort Collins in two weeks...it appears some wintery weather is on the horizon. Bring it on!