Thanks to everyone that came out to the mtb race at BO. The rain & the postponement made the course even better! Conditions were perfecto! Baxter & Scooter keeping it real at registration...

Chet, Anna, & Jon Downey officiating & scoring. Great job guys! Jon...pleasure working with you...

Coach & Leggo surveying the countryside...

Trevor & Poolboy holding down registration. Aaron calmly processed the masses & Trevor white knuckled the results processing. You guys were awesome!

I think this award winning pic is Noah Burke taking the "W" in the Jrs race, sweet ride bro! He'd already done a 5 mile run at Pioneers in the morning then hung around & helped us tear down, thanks man...

Monday morning sunrise at work. I've said it before, if my camera phone can make it look good it must have been beautiful...

Monday night round 2 in the books. Bottom line, it takes me at least an hour-15 to do it Stu's way...

CX is here. Heading up to Madison, WI for the USGP next weekend...