Here's something pretty cool, finished racing a little after 1:00pm got this email @ 4:57pm.
"Thank you for competing in the Nebraska State
Road Race Championship. Below are your
personal results:
Name: Troy Krause
Distance: 84 miles
Time: 3:39:30
Average MPH: 23.0
Category: Pro Cat 1-2-3 Male
Place: 9 of 9
The complete results are available at
Since this is the first roadrace that teamFIRE
has put on, we welcome any feedback on what we
did right or wrong."
84 miles, the longest RR I've done @ BO, actually It may be the longest RR I've ever done?
23 avg, pretty pleased w/ that, I'll elaborate on that.
9 of 9, whoops!
I could go into a lengthy story of how it all played out but...ok here we go...
With 3+ to go Chet, Kevin Limpach, & myself let a gap open through the feedzone. Not good! If you've raced at BO you know that the right hander after the feedzone is a nightmare if you're trying to close a gap. People always gas it out of that corner & if your not on you've got trouble.
The 3 of us chased all the way to the top of the big hill, finally got back on.
Fast forward to the long straight on the North side, an acceleration by the group & both Kevin's & myself find ourselves gapped. Limpach's on the front chasing hard, Burke lets him kill himself & then hammers it past him, I jump on Kevin's wheel & we get back to the group. Limpach is off the back. Soon as we get on another acceleration up the hill past the shooting range. I'm in too big a gear trying to keep contact & bam, I'm done, I've losing contact w/ the group. Basically 2.5 laps remaining & I'm in no man's land. Here's the effort of the day...Limpach catches me on the dam & then rides right through me, he takes the term grinder to a new level. Not only did he blow by me but he eventually caught the group a lap or so later!!!
So I rode 2.5 laps of this race solo, that's why I'm pretty pleased w/ 23 avg. I will give mother nature some credit though, light winds & cool temperatures made it possible.
Shout outs:
Chet, excellent work!!! He attacked up the big hill & was off the front in a break for a full lap w/ Joe, was super-strong in our 3 man chase to get back to the group, & then has a great sprint to finish 4th overall!! BTW - Joe DNF'd. always knows what he's doing, knows where to be, & how to meter his effort in a race. He let Jon V. lead it out to the line & then pounced for 3rd overall.
Aaron, great to have you back. I know you didn't finish like you wanted but you had the others on edge by your presence.
Kevin Limpach, enough said.
Finally...Team Fire, you really pulled this off. Positive-vibe was everywhere. 50 Cat 5's, alot of them first timers, awesome! Chip timing, the fastest results I've ever seen, personal results via email w/in hours...first class. To Janna & everyone who made this race happen, thank you. Also...thanks for not reducing laps.
Road seasons over, actually I've been done for a while. I'm spent.
September 28th, CX in KC. 3 weeks & counting.