business trip on saturday. 5:40 am out the door, wind blowing but forecast to get even worse as the day warmed up. I needed to see if the 42x18 with full TI load was going to fly. It was very manageable. 110 oz. of water, some food, lights, & bags. what you see is what I'm calling the fair weather TI setup, hope this will be the case...
i'm still looking for those damn jackrabbits I saw on this stretch 3 years ago, no luck...
this is one of 5 stops I made in my 6 hour jam. I was planning on no stops but I had to pee right after sun-up (2 cups of coffee related), then I made these two brief picture stops, later I saw Ron & Mike Marsh, & then I saw Scott Noel. like I said bid-ness trip...
so basically 50 straight into it & 50 straight back. simple. ok, say farewell to Strava. killed my phone battery again, probably more battery related than anything. I rode way further last year with strava running & had plenty of battery left. also with at&t's shitty coverage in our area, my phone is probably searching for a signal half the time which would explain sketchy stats. once I plugged my phone in when I got home, strava editorialized the ride & drew a straight line from 14th & Yankee Hill back to the house. the jam ended up just breaking a dollar, but I had to do a 3.5 mile Lincoln loop to get there. I'm calling the trip a success.
oh yeah...I forgot to mention I'm a mtb'r now, surprised ya didn't know that. hell I think I'm even going to buy a NORBA license this week. yesterday wood-nuts & myself headed out to Platte & put in 3 laps. trails are in great shape, good time. I've ridden there before, once was on my road bike with KB. we did a partial lap. another was on my CX bike, I did a full lap which included going over the bars. so yesterday was my first time out there on an ATB. good times were had...
the new weapon
weekend's over...I'm worked.