Just have to make it to work & back tomorrow, upright that is, and I'll have made it through the first 2 months of the year without a crash. That being said, I decided to not ride outside yesterday & hibernated on the trainer. The workout...top secret. Ok, not top secret but I won't be boring you with the details. Pedaling, sweating, & clock watching pretty much sums it up.
Some spy photos came through on the 2-way last night from my man on the mower in Austin. Sam, Showen, & Wood-nuts are taking in the sites at nabhs. Form & function, excess...he'll yay!
simple...red with white panel, love it.
Second light bulb moment...Rugby is awesome. American pro-football is a joke (I could rant but I won't), European football is mind numbing (how about shrinking the field a bit to tighten up the action). I do like the Euro crowd participation though, 10's of thousands singing in unison is sweet. If you like the option play in american football or the occasional desperation "hook & ladder" attempt you'll like rugby. Add in no helmets or pads, big hits, & guys all built like NFL linebackers you've got rugby. Impressive. I'm not naive, these dudes are probably juiced like the rest of pro sports but there's a gladiator like element to it that's appealing. HD on a big TV, 4 feet away on the trainer didn't hurt either.
