Raining right now, internet surf, '08 cx schedule search, need to get some more stuff on ebay.
Boulder Resevoir last November, 35+, 20th place/63 finished more started. Could have placed higher, I think, but have to respect the altitude. Went out a bit easier than usual. This is a sandy switchback after a volleyball pit sand section.
Started talk about traveling to Louisville for the USGP weekend at the end of October. Boulder weekend is right after that, might be a challenge hitting both.
Last night Scott Stevens Army band played a show @ Antelope park band shell, beautiful night. Matt & Jill T, Jim & Jan T, & Scott's fiance Tonia(still unsure how she spells it), myself & Holly.
Holly just cooked up breakfast burritos, put back 3 & then ate more eggs & hashbrowns out of the pan. Dammit! She treats me good. Burned 6700 calories yesterday on our 3 state 176 miler, new longest ride. The 3 state part was easy it was the 50+ headwind finish back in NE that was brutal. The other fools who joined me were Kevin & Corey. Feel pretty good today, raining now but hopefully a spin later.
As far as any frequency or continuity to this blog....expect nothing & you won't be disappointed.