I wake up this morning still simmering & get ready to ride. At least the fireworks have stopped & I can leave the dogs for awhile. I roll out just before 7:30 on the CX bike, gravel should cure what ails me.
Wind is out of the NE, but this is an angry ride! I'm heading South, I don't want to start out into the wind & I don't care if I have to ride home into the wind, maybe it will release some of my inner turmoil.
Straight South on 38th, Beatrice bound with the wind at my back. Below: the sweet 4 mile stretch of MMR between Hackberry & Pickrell Rd.

After Beatrice I headed West into new territory. MMR everywhere. 120th & Chestnut area, 2 mile section.

110th & Cherry...

To the East...

To the South, where I just came from...

To the West, where I'm headed. Freakin' gorgeous out! It was MMR for 2 miles after I made my decision to head West.

Before I left the Trinity of MMR I paused to pay homage to those who had been here before & to those who hopefully will visit this site in the future. I stopped & listened for a few minutes as I was overwhelmed by the sound of the wind moving through the corn that surrounded me. It was definitely a "moment". Angry ride? What angry ride...?

Decided to work my way over to Cortland but got side-tracked by Aspen Rd. Detoured for a bit then headed to town to refuel.

18.0 avg.
Maybe I should ride pissed off more often, that's actually the fastest hundee this year.
Does this look like an angry guy?

Some times a little rage takes you a long way!
see you Saturday!?
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