Alarm went off at 3:30 am Saturday,
Cornbread was collecting myself, MT, & FOB all before 5:00am for our
outing that began at 9:00am three hours south in
mule country. Apparently it was once the mule capitol of the world but is now the
former mule capitol of the world, that must be a bitter pill to swallow. We also found ourselves deep into Chiefs country, this tailgater looked like it needed a little love to restore it to its former glory.

Joe Fox & family hosted this great event at their families farm getaway. Below: Joe gives his pre-ride speech...

30 something miles in there was a manned checkpoint. We refueled & grabbed new cue sheets. We were ignorant at this point to what lay ahead...

The ride started with around 30 folks?,
MG also had made the trip from Lincoln, but a group of 5 formed consisting of myself, MT, C-bread, Peter Krause (no relation), & John from Topeka. The five of us rolled out of wherever we were? I'm not even sure what that town was called. What we found...white rock! Lots of it. The roads in the county to the North of Lathrop were covered with white rock, edge to edge & deep at times. I'm guess-timating we road 25 miles of the stuff, maybe more. Your focus was on keeping the tempo high as we plowed forward through the stuff. Hard to enjoy the scenery when your concentrating so hard on staying upright & maintaining your forward progress. Looking back made it that much more fun, perseverance man! Below: leaving a directional marker for those behind us...

We had a great tailwind here & overshot our turn...

Token self-portrait. What a beautiful day, light winds, low humidity, & moderate temps. Mid-July? WTF!

Sorry Peter...our only mishap besides MT's flat. Peter caught a rut & flew into the shrubery, fairly soft landing. Ogle RD MMR, sweet section...


The five us rolled in together with around 107 on the computers & a 17.4 average, 6000' of climbing. A hard, fast, challenging hundee+...good day. MT was smooth as ever & C-bread strong as a...well strong as a mule all day. Good crew. Ride of the day...FOB! He hooked up with
JS & rocked a super impressive ride! Below: FOB chokes down an exploding Bud thrown at him as he arrives at the finish...

The hundee's are probably winding down for this year. GLGA recon this weekend will be one of the last, if not the last, for the year. Saturday's ride was my 10th of the year, I counted DK as one even though it was a double. Only one of those was on the road.
Thanks to the Fox family & all that helped out! What a great day, I'll be back...
1 comment:
I smell like a mule sometimes too!
Great riding with ya this weekend! That was a lot tougher than I expected.
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