
Can't get enough of those flint hills...

Got an email from MT early in the week, he was planning a point-to-point to his relatives outside of Clifton, KS. I was still wounded from last weekend when I got the email but by midweek I was starting to look forward to an adventure. We met up 6:00 am & headed south on 77. This route was to be exactly the state line journey we made 2 years ago, difference...that trip it was crazy hot! Today not so bad except a persistent straight east wind that never altered its trajectory all day. So I had the wind beating against my left side all the way down & against my right all the way back. My plan was to ride him down to the state line & then say our goodbyes & return north. Below: refuel in Beatrice...

So we head south from Beatrice, past Odell & shortly there after the state line. I'm pretty sure there's nothing open in Odell on a Sunday for my return trip so we push on into KS, destination Hanover to refuel. Hanover ended up being 7 miles into KS, at this point I'm 70+ into this journey. MT's got a little under 60 to complete his journey. Below: checking out our matching Gary Fisher Arc Pro's. Both of us were rockin' the CK 32 wheelset's, lots of bees buzzin'.

This is the, "man I've got a lot of riding left to do" look...

We said our farewells & both continued our journey's. When I reached Odell I continued straight north on SW 61st all the way up to 136 & then back in to Beatrice. Some of you may remember SW 61st from a couple years ago when we did a TT down there. Hit the hundee rolling into the Casey's in West Beatrice. Quote of the day came from the lady behind the counter..."where you coming from",
Lincoln, but I'm coming up from Hanover, almost home..."almost home...but its all uphill!" Thanks lady, she smiled. Below: jumped on the Homestead up to Pickrell...

Couldn't go to KS without buying a powerball...I'll be down there next weekend, my plan is come home with the 222 million stuffed in my pockets.

Anyway, good time today. Thanks MT!
Purty near the same # of miles for the two days. Pary on.
wish we could have hooked up Sunday, beautiful way down south.
actually probably good we didn't, we probably would have gone really big!
I kept having to fight myself to not head further into new territory.
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