after a failed attempt to catch Jupiter's moon Europa in transit (warning astronomy term) last evening, damn cloud cover thwarted my efforts, I was rewarded with an amazing view of Saturn & at least 2 of its moons at 4:30 this morning. One of the moons had to be Titan & the other either Rhea or Enceledas. When Saturn came into view in my eyepiece I let out a "no way", multiple times, it was that sweet...
just for the record, I didn't take this pic:) |
I took home the school telescope from Loup City in 2006ish and did some backyard astronomy for a few months. It is addictive. For the record, I only saw Jupiter. Tried for some early morning ones, but no luck. Do you have a refracting or reflecting telescope, I'm assuming reflecting... I used a refracting one.
yep, reflecting. 8" Dobsonian. Telescope's something I've always wanted but never pulled the trigger on. Have the wife to thank, I guess me talking about getting one for long enough worked, she surprised me with it. I'm looking forward to some warmer nights & mornings though:)
Dude, I really want to check some stuff out. Let me know when you have time to show me some stars and planets.
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