Here's how the story goes (or something like this)...guy down in Lecompton (Lawrence area) gets into CX & then turns over a sweet piece of land for a permanent venue. There was even the making of some sort of oval track? Not sure what was going on there have to ask. Course was great, thanks Michelle & crew! Pictured below is a taste of what we saw, might look tame but the surface was pretty bumpy & every gradual downhill was followed by an equally (if not longer) up. The arms & back (which was already sore driving down) took a pounding, tubulars were/are the saving grace on this type of surface. Off-camber everywhere & a huge spiral (seems to be real popular these days). All picture credit goes to Roger, abundant as usual, thanks man!

I'll say it again, folks down there did a good job with the course.
Here it is November 7th & we're still racing in 60+ degree weather. I haven't even had mud on my tires this season, haven't worn anything but a short sleeved skinsuit. That may change for Fort Collins next weekend. I see some small chances for precipitation, but they have been just as dry there as we have been here. Temperature wise though it looks like the longsleeve will be coming out.
Today we're dialing in the Pioneers course since I'll be out of town this coming weekend & the Lincoln CX Weekend is the following weekend! I've spoken to a lot of folks from the KC area that are making the trip up, just want to let you all know we appreciate it. If you've raced at the Pioneers venue you know how sweet it is, spread the word!
The final push is on. Fort Collins this weekend, Lincoln CX the weekend after that, then Jingle the weekend after that, then Portland the weekend after that, then Nationals in Bend the weekend after that. SON-OF-A...
I'm just glad to be home today (most of it) spending it with the family.
1 comment:
The oval is a velodrome. They're going to bank it later this year. Pretty cool, huh?
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