The usual suspects today. A couple new/old faces though, JT was there & this character pictured below. Possibly NE's only Cat 1, I think. If I'm wrong I don't care, no need to correct me. Ok prove me wrong, I can't think of anyone else,
active Cat 1's that is. Spence maybe? Great having him along & putting the hammer down. Oh yeah, he was riding his road bike on this gravel adventure.

The group splintered along our way to Valpo, but we regrouped at the gas station once everyone got there. Beautiful day, topped out around 60 degrees I believe. Mr. Drake, pictured below, also joined our adventure. 89 cent RC's were flowing.

The group departed Valpo heading North. Cornbread & myself had Brainard on our minds, Mr. Pool was our only taker. I've never made it up there but have always talked about it. A group made it there a couple years ago & I've been jealous ever since. Below was my vision quest, whatever that means? Super Don, I wish you were along for the ride. I actually had this thought that maybe you guys would be there working. Not today, but Don...we'll be back!

Minor mechanical on the Oak Creek Trail leaving Brainard. The trail proved to be too soft for AP's skinny tires so we bailed at Loma. With a sweet tailwind we arrived back in Valpo in no time.

Back in Lincoln, out by the airport we ran into Coach headed out. A 2nd place finish at the Animal Run in Hickman was enough for him today. Nice work!

91 miles of gravel goodness. I survived much better this week than last Saturday. My goal was to work on eating & drinking more. Lets put it this way...I did better. AP's constantly eating, I need to get in that mode. After we left Coach I was actually feeling great, probably could have rolled around town to get the hundie.
See you tomorrow.
Aaron may be the only "active" Cat. 1 in Nebraska, but I can name another who is quietly lurking in the shadows, hiding behind 20 extra pounds of inactivity and the long hours of middle-management, finding enjoyment in parenthood and a vintage Mercedes-Benz TurboDiesel, waiting for the racing bug to bite one more time.
I keep looking for you driving your eco-Benz. If I'm behind a vehicle abandoned by the Russian mafia that smells like egg rolls I'll know its you. We miss you out there. See you soon.
Swing by sometime to check it out. It's fully operational. It will make a great lead vehicle for road races.
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