Maybe I'm getting faster. Boulevard Cup, Andrew Coe blows by me on like the 2nd lap or something, I never saw him again. Yesterday I either made him work for it or he was just biding his time, because he didn't get by me until 2 to go. When he did go by it was with an audible whooosh! Dude was flying.
I remember a time (last year) when Chris Wallace was always behind me. Now...he's taken his skills to the next level & beyond. Pushed Jensen to the line yesterday, very nice. Ok, maybe I'm not getting any faster just everyone around me is.
Slotted in 8th out of 20 in the 1/2/3's yesterday. Fast course, all grass, smooth, great circuit. I'm pretty happy with my ride. Weather was awesome, mid 40's, sunny, no wind to speak of.
I heard this was the last race at this venue. This was the site of one of my first CX road trips, might even have been the first. The first place I ever saw Dean Parker on his orange Salsa. I was doing the B's, was in about 4th & ran my front wheel into the cement stairs run-up. Chain came off, some people went by & I ended up 7th. Those stairs have brought the ire of many racers over the years. We used to dismount on pavement/slash white rock right before that run up. Ask Tom Price about that jewel of an approach to the stairs. Its fitting that Roger determined that yesterday's approach & use of the stairs was unsafe & removed it from our race prior to the start.
Heading to Leavenworth again Sunday. New venue, a college down there.
Roger, thanks for the picture above & a great race.
Carolynn, thanks for grabbing my jacket I left at the start line.
Andrew, not Alex
(Andrew's business manager)
I guarantee the "Woosh" was bigger when Andrew went by me:-)
Let me try this again...
Damn you Andrew Coe!
Has more punch if I've get his name right.
Thanks JB.
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